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Celebrating Women


Strength is important, but sometimes we get a bit hesitant. When Mordecai, Esther’s cousin, sent her (the queen) a message asking her to speak with the king to save the lives of the Jews, she initially sent a message to Mordecai saying she had not been called to the king in the last 30 days. If she went and the king did not hold out his golden scepter – she would die. (Esther 4:11). Mordecai sent back a message of his own. He let her know that God will deliver the Jews, with or without her, but maybe she came to the kingdom, for such a time as this (verse 14).

Sometimes, we need a little motivation. And so, with that second chance, Esther was all in. She asked Mordecai to have the Jews from Shushan fast for 3 days as would she, and then she would go the king. And so she went, and by God’s grace, ultimately she was able to save her people. Esther taught us that fear may be why we don’t get it right on the first try, but if God gives us a second chance – take it.

And so we venture to Luke Chapter 8 to learn about an unnamed woman who taught us all about the power of faith. Her faith was so strong that it made Jesus ask – who touched me, while in a crowd of people. Yet when Peter questioned what seemed like a ridiculous question, Jesus stated in Luke 8:46 Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me. Can you imagine having the kind of faith that stops Jesus in His tracks? That unnamed woman came out of hiding and told everyone that she had come for healing and received it. Jesus’ response is also noteworthy. He says in verse 48: Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. How beautiful is it, that Jesus recognized her as His daughter.