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Tag: Action Women

Our culture is obsessed with physical beauty. Images bombard us, especially women, telling us how we should dress, wear our hair, apply make-up, and what products we should buy to achieve the perfect weight or turn back the clock of aging. But what does God think about our physical appearance? Does God care about our bodies? Bodies are a gift Scripture teaches that we are created to glorify God and cultivate his gifts. Our very bodies were formed by his hands and given life by his Spirit. As God [...]

If God’s first man was strong enough to manage the world alone, why would the Lord need to make a woman to help him? Although men play a dominant role in the Scriptures, the women of the Bible represent a wide variety of characters that exemplify how God honors women and selects them in pivotal moments to bring his righteousness to the earth. For example, read the stories of Rebekah, Rahab, Deborah, Esther, Ruth, Elizabeth, and Mary, the mother of Jesus. In the New Testament, Jesus instructed wo [...]

The words of that spiritual anthem by Sinach ring out in contemplating the many challenges Christian women face, both outside and inside most religious institutions. This powerful and much-needed statement of affirmation must be followed by verbs that bear the responsibility and obligation of this self-knowledge: INVOLVE. INTERFERE. INTERRUPT. PERSIST. These are critical words that require ACTION, as, for the first time in world history, we are seeing the role, place, and contribution of women b [...]

As I think about the meals my family needs for the day that I don’t feel like fixing, I ask myself the question. When I hear screams from a kid’s bedroom at 7 AM, I again ask myself, “In this moment, how can I give life?” The Holy Spirit nudges me with the question again as I get annoyed with my husband for leaving laundry in the bathroom. I believe that without intentionality on our part to first understand that God created women to be life-givers, it will be easy for our sinful life-taking nat [...]